Feb 21, 20154 min read
Improvised Architecture: Who We Are Is What We Do
The foundation of adaptable characteristics are present in most people at a young age. For a child it is difficult to understand that it...
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Jul 7, 20146 min read
Unified Volumes
The studio recently did a design session to generate different ideas for a new project that will explore greater density in infill...
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May 14, 20143 min read
Kinetic Aperture 1: Hyper-screen
Picking up on the studio’s recent experimental design sessions, last Friday Matt presented a sketch for what began in our discussions as...
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May 8, 20144 min read
The Poetics of Windows
The last couple of Fridays at the studio we’ve been engaging in design sessions to further explore and manifest ‘adaptability’ as both a...
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Apr 24, 20144 min read
Processing Adaptability
One of the defining aspects of the studio is the notion of ‘adaptability.’ It’s been mentioned before, but it’s a theme we’ll often...
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